
Monday, September 6, 2010


Transition, I really hate transition. Here we are in Oregon with no house. Staying with family. It is a really hard thing not having any space of your own. I want to sew. I want to set up a new sewing room. But nope not right now. I am in transition. With a hubby and 4 kiddos. School starts tomorrow. The kids are happy to be going back. I am happy that they are happy. Madelyn will be starting the 3rd grade. Wyatt will be a big 1st grader and Lucas will be going to my Aunts private kindergarten. Smaller classes will be good for him. With his mind for story telling this is a good place to start him. Less kids to distract. It will be down to just me and Abbie for 4 hours a day. I wonder what I can get done.
I will be making quilts for my Aunts classroom. They have a rest time and all get a blanket and stuffed animal to rest with. Her blankets needed to be updated so I will be making some fun quilts. I am happy to have a project. Limbo is not a good place for me. I want a house to curl up in and sew. My things out of storage.
So here is to the new adventures life takes us on and the patience to get through transition. I will be alright, life will go on and we will get a house. (I keep telling myself this, positive thinking works right?)

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